Team Unity problems...|Diverses|Forum|Basketball Co@ches Corner

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Team Unity problems...
27. Juni 2018
Forumsbeiträge: 4
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20. Juni 2018
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I need some help with team unity. I manage a team, I have a head coach. We are having a few issues with girls that are the better players giving others hard time for not giving them the ball. Its in its infant stages now but I want to cut it out now. I raised a bball player who went on to play at the college level, this is now my grandkids team. I know how destructive this can be and I refuse to let it take hold. This is a second grade girls team. I am having a meeting with kids about what team means. Any suggestions? I will point out Team stands for together, everyone, achieves more theory. Plus make them understand that I have never seen a sinlge girl beat a team of 5. I am open to suggestions

Please help

I didn't find the right solution from the internet.

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Thank you

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